Hare Krishna guys. As we know Rig Veda is one of the oldest books in the world and it is written in ancient Sanskrit, so many of us can’t understand what does it techs us. So in this article we will try to under stand the fifth sukta. We will provide we the translated Rig veda in english for better better understnding. Rig Veda consists of hymns for religious rituals, which are dedicated to various gods and goddess. Rig Veda is the oldest of all four vedas. If we translate meaning of Rig Veda it will be “The Knowledge of Verses“.

Read the 4th Sukta here- Click Here

RIG VEDA IN ENGLISH- Mandala-1, Sukta-5

Rig Veda in English

Auther- Madhuchhandas, Metre- Gayatri, there are total 10 hymns in this sukta which are addressed to Lord Indra.

1. आ तवेता नि षीदतेन्द्रमभि पर गायत |
सखाय सतोमवाहसः ||

ā tvetā ni ṣīdatendramabhi pra ghāyata |
sakhāya stomavāhasaḥ ||

Hurry up friends, come here, sit down and sing repeatedly the praises of Indra.

2. पुरूतमं पुरूणामीशानं वा  र्याणाम |
इन्द्रं सोमे सचा सुते ||

purūtamaṃ purūṇāmīśānaṃ vāryāṇām |
indraṃ some sacā sute ||

when the soma juice is ready, In unity praise Indra, who is the destroyer of many enemies and lord of the greatest blessings.

3. स घा नो योग आ भुवत स राये स पुरन्ध्याम |
गमद वाजेभिरा स नः ||

sa ghā no yogha ā bhuvat sa rāye sa purandhyām |
ghamad vājebhirā sa naḥ ||

May he fulfil our shortages, may he give us wealth, may he give us verious knowledges, may he come to us with food.

4. यस्य संस्थे न वर्ण्वते हरी समत्सु शत्रवः |
तस्मा इन्द्राय गायत ||

yasya saṃsthe na vṛṇvate harī samatsu śatravaḥ |
tasmā indrāya ghāyata ||

Pray to Indra, whose enemies get scared after seeing him coming on his horse in the battle.

5. सुतपाव्ने सुता इमे शुचयो यन्ति वीतये |
सोमासो दध्याशिरः ||

sutapāvne sutā ime śucayo yanti vītaye |
somāso dadhyāśiraḥ ||

These holy and pure soma juices, are poured out for the satisfaction of the drinker.

Rig Veda in english

6. तवं सुतस्य पीतये सद्यो वर्द्धो अजायथाः |
इन्द्र जयैष्ठ्याय सुक्रतो ||

tvaṃ sutasya pītaye sadyo vṛddho ajāyathāḥ |
indra jyaiṣṭhyāya sukrato ||

Hey Indra, performer of good deed, senior among gods, you have become restless to drink the soma juice first.

7. आ तवा विशन्त्वाशवः सोमास इन्द्र गिर्वणः |
शं ते सन्तु परचेतसे ||

ā tvā viśantvāśavaḥ somāsa indra ghirvaṇaḥ |
śaṃ te santu pracetase ||

Hey Indra, the destination of our praises, may you drink these soma juice, and may they help you to prosper your superior intelligence.

8. तवां सतोमा अवीव्र्धन तवामुक्था शतक्रतो |
वां वर्धन्तु नो गिरः ||

tvāṃ stomā avīvṛdhan tvāmukthā śatakrato |
tvāṃ vardhantu no ghiraḥ ||

The chants and soma juice from the priests have magnified you, the hymns have magnified you, may our praises magnify you.

9. अक्षितोतिः सनेदिमं वाजमिन्द्रः सहस्रिणम |
यस्मिन विश्वानि पौंस्या ||

akṣitotiḥ sanedimaṃ vājamindraḥ sahasriṇam |
yasmin viśvāni pauṃsyā ||

May Indra, the unobstructed protector, enjoy these manifold sacrificial foods, in which all manly properties abide.

10. मा नो मर्ता अभि दरुहन तनूनामिन्द्र गिर्वणः |
ईशानो यवया वधम ||

mā no martā abhi druhan tanūnāmindra ghirvaṇaḥ |
īśāno yavayā vadham ||

Hey Indra, the destination of our praises, you are mighty, keep off violence, and do not let our enemies damage us.


In these hymns the priest are prying to lord Indra and requesting him to come to their sacrificial rite and have their offerings of food and the soma juice which is his favorite. They asked everyone to praise Indra repeatedly and magnify his glory, as he is the protector, brings food for us and also eliminates enemies.


How many Manadals are there in Rig Veda?

10 mandalas in Rig Veda.

How many hymns are there in Rig Veda?

Total 1028 hymns are there in Rig Veda.

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