Hare krishna guys, In this article we continue with the second chapter of “Bhagavad Gita” which is known as SANKHYA YOGA after 36 shloka. How many shlokas in Bhagavad gita? there are total 700 shlokas and we will translate every one of them in simple english In this chapter Shree Krishna starts giving the Divine knowledge. let start by sayng ” Jay Shree krishna”…



हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम्।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।।2.37।।

If you slain you will attain heaven or if you get conquered you will enjoy the earth

Therefore, O son of Kunti, arise and determine to fight.

सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ।
ततो युद्धाय युज्यस्व नैवं पापमवाप्स्यसि।।2.38।।

Considering pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same and

Then engage in battle and you will not incur this sin.

एषा तेऽभिहिता सांख्ये बुद्धिर्योगे त्विमां शृणु।
बुद्ध्यायुक्तो यया पार्थ कर्मबन्धं प्रहास्यसि।।2.39।।

All the knowledge has been narrated to you in Sankhya (prospective of intelligence) now hear this in the prospective of duty(yoga)

O Arjuna, now listen to this knowledge how you can achieve salvation from the bondage of action.

नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते।
स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात्।।2.40।।

In this there is no loss of effort nor any harm

Even a little knowledge of this can save one from great fear.

व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिरेकेह कुरुनन्दन।
बहुशाखा ह्यनन्ताश्च बुद्धयोऽव्यवसायिनाम्।।2.41।।

O son of Karunanda, Those who understand this they become stable minded

For those who don’t understand their mind becomes multi-branched and their thought becomes infinite.

यामिमां पुष्पितां वाचं प्रवदन्त्यविपश्चितः।
वेदवादरताः पार्थ नान्यदस्तीति वादिनः।।2.42।।

The foolish utter this flowery word

O Arjuna, they find pleasure in the appreciative words (for outcome of their duty) of the Vedas, and argue that there is nothing else.

कामात्मानः स्वर्गपरा जन्मकर्मफलप्रदाम्।
क्रियाविशेषबहुलां भोगैश्वर्यगतिं प्रति।।2.43।।

They are lustful who thinks haven is the ultimate goal to achieve,

this leads to birth of new desires as result of their work and they start walking towards the path of pleasure and wealth, which is full of special actions.

भोगैश्वर्यप्रसक्तानां तयापहृतचेतसाम्।
व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिः समाधौ न विधीयते।।2.44।।

They were attached to pleasure and wealth and their minds were carried away by it.

Intelligence based on occupation is not prescribed in Samadhi (subconscious mental state).

त्रैगुण्यविषया वेदा निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवार्जुन।
निर्द्वन्द्वो नित्यसत्त्वस्थो निर्योगक्षेम आत्मवान्।।2.45।।

The Vedas are about the three modes of nature, O Arjuna, become free from the three modes of nature.

Free yourself from the desire of enjoying the outcome of performing your duty (yoga), above all the pairs of opposing sensations; be steady in truth, free from worldly anxieties and centered in the Self.

यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः संप्लुतोदके।
तावान्सर्वेषु वेदेषु ब्राह्मणस्य विजानतः।।2.46।।

Those who has known the self(brahma tatwa) for them

The vedas are of as much use as a pond in a place when there is a flood.

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।।2.47।।

You have right to action only not to the outcome of it.

Let not the outcome of action be the motive, nor let the attachment be to inaction.

योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा धनञ्जय।
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते।।2.48।।

O Arjuna, do actions, abandoning attachment,

Able to be stable in success and failure is called, Being in Yoga,

दूरेण ह्यवरं कर्म बुद्धियोगाद्धनञ्जय।
बुद्धौ शरणमन्विच्छ कृपणाः फलहेतवः।।2.49।।

Physical action is far inferior to an intellect concentrated on the Divine.

Have recourse then to Pure Intelligence. It is only the petty-minded who work for reward.

बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते।
तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्।।2.50।।

he who has attained Spirituality he frees himself from Both good and evil deeds in this world and considers both as equal.

Therefore do your action considering it as Yoga(duty) because spirituality is the art of living

कर्मजं बुद्धियुक्ता हि फलं त्यक्त्वा मनीषिणः।
जन्मबन्धविनिर्मुक्ताः पदं गच्छन्त्यनामयम्।।2.51।।

The wise, who has attained spirituality, they don’t desire for the outcome of their actions and

They are freed from the bondage of birth and rebirth, they achieves the salvation.


यदा ते मोहकलिलं बुद्धिर्व्यतितरिष्यति।
तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदं श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च।।2.52।।

When your intellect will cross the mist of fascination.

Then you will attain the detachment which you have heard or will hear.

श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला।
समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि।।2.53।।

When your intellect stand immovable and steady in itself and is focused on the divine

Then only you will attain spirituality(Samadhi).

अर्जुन उवाच
स्थितप्रज्ञस्य का भाषा समाधिस्थस्य केशव।
स्थितधीः किं प्रभाषेत किमासीत व्रजेत किम्।।2.54।।

Arjuna asked;

O kesava, how can we recognise the one who is steady in his mind, who has attains the state of Samadhi?

How does he talk, how does he live and how does he act?

श्री भगवानुवाच
प्रजहाति यदा कामान् सर्वान् पार्थ मनोगतान्।
आत्मन्येवात्मना तुष्टः स्थितप्रज्ञस्तदोच्यते।।2.55।।

Shree Bhagwan answered,

O Partha(Arjuna), when one abandons all his desires in his heart,

He who is satisfied with the self in the self alone (parbramha), only he will reach the highest state

दुःखेष्वनुद्विग्नमनाः सुखेषु विगतस्पृहः।
वीतरागभयक्रोधः स्थितधीर्मुनिरुच्यते।।2.56।।

He is undisturbed in sorrows, and devoid of desire for pleasures.

He who is devoid of attachment, fear and anger and whose mind is steady is called a sage.

यः सर्वत्रानभिस्नेहस्तत्तत्प्राप्य शुभाशुभम्।
नाभिनन्दति न द्वेष्टि तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता।।2.57।।

He who is not attached to any place or any person or any ties,

Who accept good and evil as same, consider him as one who has merged with the divine one.

यदा संहरते चायं कूर्मोऽङ्गानीव सर्वशः।
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेभ्यस्तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता।।2.58।। 

He who can withdraw his senses from the attraction of everything around him

As a tortoise withdraws his limbs within it’s shell- consider him as one whose wisdom is established.

विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य देहिनः।
रसवर्जं रसोऽप्यस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते।।2.59।।

The objects of sense turn from him who is abstemious.

Even the relish for them is lost in him who has seen the Truth.

यततो ह्यपि कौन्तेय पुरुषस्य विपश्चितः।
इन्द्रियाणि प्रमाथीनि हरन्ति प्रसभं मनः।।2.60।।

O son of Kunti, the mind of him who is trying to keep it stable

But doesn’t give away his desires, the  senses forcefully carry away his mind to this materialistic world in spite of his efforts.

तानि सर्वाणि संयम्य युक्त आसीत मत्परः।
वशे हि यस्येन्द्रियाणि तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता।।2.61।।

One should restrain all of his senses and concentrate his mind on me

He, who has all senses under his control, has attained the state of the divine(parbramha).

ध्यायतो विषयान्पुंसः सङ्गस्तेषूपजायते।
सङ्गात् संजायते कामः कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते।।2.62।।

When a man focuses on objects, attachment to them arises.

From attachment arises lust and from lust arises anger.

क्रोधाद्भवति संमोहः संमोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रमः।
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति।।2.63।।

From anger comes delusion, and from delusion comes loss of memory.

By the loss of memory comes the loss of understanding, by the loss of understanding he perishes(destruction).

रागद्वेषवियुक्तैस्तु विषयानिन्द्रियैश्चरन्।
आत्मवश्यैर्विधेयात्मा प्रसादमधिगच्छति।।2.64।।

But a self-controlled man, who’s sense is free from objects, attraction and repulsion

He attains the eternal peace

प्रसादे सर्वदुःखानां हानिरस्योपजायते।
प्रसन्नचेतसो ह्याशु बुद्धिः पर्यवतिष्ठते।।2.65।।

When he attains eternal peace, he becomes free from sorrows and suffering,

For him reaching the divine becomes easy.

नास्ति बुद्धिरयुक्तस्य न चायुक्तस्य भावना।
न चाभावयतः शान्तिरशान्तस्य कुतः सुखम्।।2.66।।

For a unsteady person there is no wisdom, the steady man can’t do meditation

Without meditation there is no peace, and how can there be happiness without peace.

इन्द्रियाणां हि चरतां यन्मनोऽनुविधीयते।
तदस्य हरति प्रज्ञां वायुर्नावमिवाम्भसि।।2.67।।

The man who follows his senses, uncontrolled sense carries away his wisdom from his mind

Like wind carries away a boat on water.

तस्माद्यस्य महाबाहो निगृहीतानि सर्वशः।
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेभ्यस्तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता।।2.68।।

Therefore, O Might-in-Arms(Arjuna), he who keeps his senses detached from their objects

His intellect is able to establish wisdom.

या निशा सर्वभूतानां तस्यां जागर्ति संयमी।
यस्यां जाग्रति भूतानि सा निशा पश्यतो मुनेः।।2.69।।

The self-controlled man is awake in the night of all beings.

That night in which beings are awake, that is the night of the sage who is watching.

समुद्रमापः प्रविशन्ति यद्वत्।
तद्वत्कामा यं प्रविशन्ति सर्वे
स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी।।2.70।।

He, who gives away all his desires and it doesn’t disturb him like river enter into the sea without disturbing iy

Only he attains the eternal peace not the lustful ones.

विहाय कामान्यः सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति निःस्पृहः।
निर्ममो निरहंकारः स शांतिमधिगच्छति।।2.71।।

He, who give up all his desires and lives in the world without aspiration ,

Is free from attachment and egoism, attains the eternal peace.

एषा ब्राह्मी स्थितिः पार्थ नैनां प्राप्य विमुह्यति।
स्थित्वाऽस्यामन्तकालेऽपि ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृच्छति।।2.72।।

O Partha,This is the state of a man who has achieved the divine(parbramha- the truth)

This can never be taken away from him, even after death his soul will reach the Bramhanand.


Like when we are in problem so many question arises in our mind Arjuna too had so many questions in his mind and Shree Krishna is answering them one by one and telling arjuna What he should do. Like Arjuna we also should follow Shree Krishna when we are in problem.



What is Bhagavad Gita?

“Bhagavad Gita” is the knowledge given by Bhagwan Shree Krishna to Arjuna who was in confusion while fighting against his relatives. It is actually the knowledge given to the whole mankind making Arjuna as a example, how one should approach his day to day problems and overcome it with ease.

6 thoughts on “HOW MANY SHLOKAS IN BHAGAVAD GITA CHAPTER-2 (PART-II)(Free Download pdf)”

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