WHICH IS THE OLDEST VEDA? Unveiling the Mysteries: Rig Veda Sukta-3 translated in easy English

Hare Krishna guys. Which is the oldest Veda? As we know the oldest Hindu book is RIG VEDA which is written in Ancient Sanskrit language. So Rig Veda is the oldest of all four vedas. If we translate meaning of Rig Veda it will be “The Knowledge of Verses“. Rig Veda consist of hymns to pray various gods, it has total 10 mandalas and 1028 hymns. In this article we will learn about the third Sukta of First Mandala which is translated in simple English. So let start by saying ” Jay Shree Krishna”…

Read the Second Sukta here

Which is the Oldest Veda? Rig Vega, Read Sukta-3 of Mandala-1

The author is Rishi Madhuchhandas, son of Vishwamitra, The metre of these Hymns is Gayatri. There are total 12 hymns in this sukta. 3 are addressed to Ashwins, 3 to Indra, 3 to Vishwadevas and 3 to Saraswati.

1. अश्विना यज्वरीरिषो दरवत्पाणी शुभस पती |
पुरुभुजाचनस्यतम ||

aśvinā yajvarīriṣo dravatpāṇī śubhas patī |
purubhujācanasyatam ||

Hey Ashwins, cherishers of holy act, long armed, come to this sacrificial rite and have these sacrificial foodstuffs.

2. अश्विना पुरुदंससा नरा शवीरया धिया |
धिष्ण्या वनतं गिरः ||

aśvinā purudaṃsasā narā śavīrayā dhiyā |
dhiṣṇyā vanataṃ ghiraḥ ||

Hey Ashwins, abounding in mighty acts, guides of devotion, Strongly endowed listen to our praises with concentration.

3. दस्रा युवाकवः सुता नासत्या वर्क्तबर्हिषः |
आ यातंरुद्रवर्तनी ||

dasrā yuvākavaḥ sutā nāsatyā vṛktabarhiṣaḥ |
ā yātaṃrudravartanī ||

Hey Ashwins, Destroyers of foes, protector of the truth, leader of the heroes, Come to this sacrificial rite, the soma juice is ready for you

4. इन्द्रा याहि चित्रभानो सुता इमे तवायवः |
अण्वीभिस्तना पूतासः ||

indrā yāhi citrabhāno sutā ime tvāyavaḥ |
aṇvībhistanā pūtāsaḥ ||

Hey Indra, of amazing splendour, the holy libations(soma juice) awaits you, which have been extracted by the fingers of the priests.

5. इन्द्रा याहि धियेषितो विप्रजूतः सुतावतः |
उप बरह्माणि वाघतः ||

indrā yāhi dhiyeṣito viprajūtaḥ sutāvataḥ |
upa brahmāṇi vāghataḥ ||

Hey Indra, full of understanding and you are appreciated the wise, Approach and accept the prayers of the priest and accept the offer of soma juice.

6. इन्द्रा याहि तूतुजान उप बरह्माणि हरिवः |
सुते दधिष्वनश्चनः ||

indrā yāhi tūtujāna upa brahmāṇi harivaḥ |
sute dadhiṣvanaścanaḥ ||

Hey Indra, lord of the horses, come to this Sacrificial rite, the priest are praying with the soma juice, come accept our food.

7. ओमासश्चर्षणीध्र्तो विश्वे देवास आ गत |
दाश्वांसो दाशुषः सुतम ||

omāsaścarṣaṇīdhṛto viśve devāsa ā ghata |
dāśvāṃso dāśuṣaḥ sutam ||

Hey Vishwadevas, protectors and supporters of the mankind, you bless us with rewards, come to this sacrificial rite of the worshippers.

8. विश्वे देवासो अप्तुरः सुतमा गन्त तूर्णयः |
उस्रा इवस्वसराणि ||

viśve devāso apturaḥ sutamā ghanta tūrṇayaḥ |
usrā ivasvasarāṇi ||

Hey fast moving Vishwadevas, you bring rain to this earth, come to this sacrificial rite like the Sun rays comes diligently in the day

   9. विश्वे देवासो अस्रिध एहिमायासो अद्रुहः |
मेधं जुषन्त वह्नयः ||

viśve devāso asridha ehimāyāso adruhaḥ |
medhaṃ juṣanta vahnayaḥ ||

Hey Vishwadevas, you are exempted from decay, omniscient, Devoid of malice and bearers of rewards, come to this sacrificial rite.

10. पावका नः सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनीवती |
यज्ञं वष्टु धियावसुः ||

pāvakā naḥ sarasvatī vājebhirvājinīvatī |
yajñaṃ vaṣṭu dhiyāvasuḥ ||

Hey Saraswati, the  purifier, the bearer of food, who blesses the worshiper with wealth, please come to this Sacrificial rite.

11. चोदयित्री सून्र्तानां चेतन्ती सुमतीनाम |
यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती ||

codayitrī sūnṛtānāṃ cetantī sumatīnām |
yajñaṃ dadhe sarasvatī ||

Devi Saraswati, the inspirer of those who believe in truth, the instructor of the right minded, has accepted out sacrifice

12. महो अर्णः सरस्वती पर चेतयति केतुना |
धियो विश्वा वि राजति ||

maho arṇaḥ sarasvatī pra cetayati ketunā |
dhiyo viśvā vi rājati ||   

Devi Saraswati has manifested a mighty river full of water for us by her action, And has enlightened all understandings in us.


In this sukta we can see there only prayers to different gods like Ashwins, Indra, Vishwadevas and Saraswati. It teaches how we should pray to these gods.


What is written in Rig Veda?

Rig veda consist of hymns fro praying verious good like Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna.

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