Hare krishna guys, as we know Bhagavad gita is known for it’s divine knowledge about our life which we can apply in our daily life problems and overcome it easily even in todays scenario. So in a series of article i will offer you with the translated version of The Bhagavad Gita in English. How many Shlokas in Bhagavad Gita are there? there are total 700 shlokas but In this article we try to learn about the second chapter of “Bhagavad Gita” which is known as SANKHYA YOGA and has 72 shlokas. let start by saying ” Jay Shree krishna”…


In this chapter Shree Krishna starts giving the Divine knowledge.

सञ्जय उवाच
तं तथा कृपयाऽविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम्।
विषीदन्तमिदं वाक्यमुवाच मधुसूदनः।।2.1।।

Sanjaya said

His eyes filled with tears and overwhelmed with compassion

Madhusudana said these words to him who was in despair.

श्री भगवानुवाच
कुतस्त्वा कश्मलमिदं विषमे समुपस्थितम्।

Sri kKrishna said

Where did you get this trouble in this uneven situation

O Arjuna, It is ignoble, it is not heavenly, it is disgraceful.

क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत्त्वय्युपपद्यते।
क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परन्तप।।2.3।।

O Arjuna, Do not become Coward, this does not befit you.

O scorcher of enemies , Give up this petty weakness of heart and arise.

अर्जुन उवाच
कथं भीष्ममहं संख्ये द्रोणं च मधुसूदन।
इषुभिः प्रतियोत्स्यामि पूजार्हावरिसूदन।।2.4।।

Arjuna said

O Madhusoodana, How shall I beat Bhishma and Drona in battle with arrows?

O destroyer of enemies, worthy of worship.

 गुरूनहत्वा हि महानुभावान्
श्रेयो भोक्तुं भैक्ष्यमपीह लोके।
हत्वार्थकामांस्तु गुरूनिहैव
भुञ्जीय भोगान् रुधिरप्रदिग्धान्।।2.5।।

It would be better for me to enjoy alms in this world

Rather than killing my own teacher and elders in this battle

If I do so also for wealth and pleasure

Those will have stains of their blood.

न चैतद्विद्मः कतरन्नो गरीयो
यद्वा जयेम यदि वा नो जयेयुः।
यानेव हत्वा न जिजीविषाम
स्तेऽवस्थिताः प्रमुखे धार्तराष्ट्राः।।2.6।।

And we do not know which of us is better

Whether we win or whether they win us.

We don’t want to kill them and live

They are the sons of Dhritarashtra

standing in the forefront.

पृच्छामि त्वां धर्मसंमूढचेताः।
यच्छ्रेयः स्यान्निश्िचतं ब्रूहि तन्मे
शिष्यस्तेऽहं शाधि मां त्वां प्रपन्नम्।।2.7।।

Nature affected by the fault of carnality

I ask you, my mind is confused.

Tell me what is best for me

I am your disciple, instruct me, I have surrendered myself to you.

न हि प्रपश्यामि ममापनुद्या
अवाप्य भूमावसपत्नमृद्धम्
राज्यं सुराणामपि चाधिपत्यम्।।2.8।।

If I win also I can’t see anything which can remove

this sorrow and absorption which I am feeling now

Not even if I attain the win

over the visible or over the in visible world.

सञ्जय उवाच
एवमुक्त्वा हृषीकेशं गुडाकेशः परन्तप।
न योत्स्य इति गोविन्दमुक्त्वा तूष्णीं बभूव ह।।2.9।।

Sanjaya said

Having thus spoken to Hrishikesha, Gudakesha: the scorcher of enemies.

Saying to Govinda that he would not fight he became silent.

तमुवाच हृषीकेशः प्रहसन्निव भारत।
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये विषीदन्तमिदं वचः।।2.10।।

O Bharatha, Hrishikesha said to him with a smile.

These words were heard in the midst of the two armies in despair.

श्री भगवानुवाच
अशोच्यानन्वशोचस्त्वं प्रज्ञावादांश्च भाषसे।
गतासूनगतासूंश्च नानुशोचन्ति पण्डिताः।।2.11।।

Sri Krishna said

You regret for the unregrettable and you speak words of wisdom.

The wise ones do not grieve for the dead and the living.

न त्वेवाहं जातु नासं न त्वं नेमे जनाधिपाः।
न चैव न भविष्यामः सर्वे वयमतः परम्।।2.12।।

Neither I nor you nor these kings have ever existed

Nor shall we all be hereafter.

देहिनोऽस्मिन्यथा देहे कौमारं यौवनं जरा।
तथा देहान्तरप्राप्तिर्धीरस्तत्र न मुह्यति।।2.13।।

As in this body of a human goes through childhood, youth and old age.

Similarly, the soul attains other body, the wise ones does not deluded in these.

मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय शीतोष्णसुखदुःखदाः।
आगमापायिनोऽनित्यास्तांस्तितिक्षस्व भारत।।2.14।।

O Arjuna, The touches of matter, are the causes of cold, heat, pleasure and pain.

They come and they go and they are impermanent Bear with them.

यं हि न व्यथयन्त्येते पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभ।
समदुःखसुखं धीरं सोऽमृतत्वाय कल्पते।।2.15।।

O best of men, For a man whom these do not afflict.

He who is steadfast in equal pain and pleasure is fit for salvation.

नासतो विद्यते भावो नाभावो विद्यते सतः।
उभयोरपि दृष्टोऽन्तस्त्वनयोस्तत्त्वदर्शिभिः।।2.16।।

There is no value of the unreal, and there is no absence of the real.

The end of both has been seen by the seekers of the truth.

अविनाशि तु तद्विद्धि येन सर्वमिदं ततम्।
विनाशमव्ययस्यास्य न कश्चित् कर्तुमर्हति।।2.17।।

But know that what is indestructible, by Whom all this is pervaded.

No one can do the destruction of this inexhaustible.

अन्तवन्त इमे देहा नित्यस्योक्ताः शरीरिणः।
अनाशिनोऽप्रमेयस्य तस्माद्युध्यस्व भारत।।2.18।।

These human bodies are mortal, but the soul in it is immortal.

Therefore O Arjuna, fight and don’t worry about the losses.

य एनं वेत्ति हन्तारं यश्चैनं मन्यते हतम्।
उभौ तौ न विजानीतो नायं हन्ति न हन्यते।।2.19।।

Whoever knows him is a murderer and whoever thinks he is killed

Both are not known, the soul neither kills nor can be killed.

न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि
न्नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः।
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो
न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे।।2.20।।

The soul is never born or dies

It has never been or will never be again.

This is the unborn, eternal, everlasting, ancient

It is not killed in the body being killed.

वेदाविनाशिनं नित्यं य एनमजमव्ययम्।
कथं स पुरुषः पार्थ कं घातयति हन्ति कम्।।2.21।।

He who knows the Spirit as Indestructible, Immortal, Unborn, Always-the-Same,

How could he kill anyone or become cause to be killed?

वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय
नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा-
न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही।।2.22।।

Like A man takes new ones and others

Except for worn out clothes

The soul merges with others and new bodies leaving the old ones

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः।।2.23।।

Weapons cannot cut the soul down nor can fire burn him

And it is not wetted by water nor dried by the wind.

अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च।
नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः।।2.24।।

It can’t be cut, it can’t be burnt, it can’t be wetted and it can’t be dry.

This is the eternal, omnipresent, stable, immovable and eternal.

तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमर्हसि।।2.25।।

This is called the unmanifest, this unthinkable, this incorruptible.

Therefore, knowing this, one should not grieve for it.

अथ चैनं नित्यजातं नित्यं वा मन्यसे मृतम्।
तथापि त्वं महाबाहो नैवं शोचितुमर्हसि।।2.26।।

And yet you think it to be eternally born or eternally dead.

Nevertheless, O mighty-armed one(Arjuna), still you should not to grieve over it.

जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।
तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि।।2.27।।

For death is certain for the born and birth is certain for the dead.

Therefore you should not grieve for the inevitable.

अव्यक्तादीनि भूतानि व्यक्तमध्यानि भारत।
अव्यक्तनिधनान्येव तत्र का परिदेवना।।2.28।।

The unmanifest and other beings are manifest in the middle, O Bharatha.

What grief there is for the unmanifest deaths?

आश्चर्यवत्पश्यति कश्चिदेन
माश्चर्यवद्वदति तथैव चान्यः।
आश्चर्यवच्चैनमन्यः श्रृणोति
श्रुत्वाप्येनं वेद न चैव कश्चित्।।2.29।।

One hears of the Spirit with surprise, another thinks It marvellous, the third listens without comprehending. Thus, though many are told about It, scarcely is there one who knows It.

देही नित्यमवध्योऽयं देहे सर्वस्य भारत।
तस्मात्सर्वाणि भूतानि न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि।।2.30।।

The soul is eternally immortal in the body of everyone, O Bharatha.

Therefore you should not grieve for all beings.

स्वधर्ममपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि।
धर्म्याद्धि युद्धाछ्रेयोऽन्यत्क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते।।2.31।।

You should not waver even considering your own duty

For there is nothing better for a Kshatriya than righteousness and warfare.

यदृच्छया चोपपन्नं स्वर्गद्वारमपावृतम्।
सुखिनः क्षत्रियाः पार्थ लभन्ते युद्धमीदृशम्।।2.32।।

By chance the gate of heaven was opened

O Arjuna, Happy are the Kshatriyas, who attain such a battle.

अथ चैत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।2.33।।

And if you will not fight this righteous battle.

Then, having abandoned your duty and fame, you will incur sin.

अकीर्तिं चापि भूतानि कथयिष्यन्ति तेऽव्ययाम्।
संभावितस्य चाकीर्तिर्मरणादतिरिच्यते।।2.34।।

Everyone will tell of you infamy, which is inexhaustible.

And the fame of one is thought to be is better than death.

भयाद्रणादुपरतं मंस्यन्ते त्वां महारथाः।
येषां च त्वं बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम्।।2.35।।

The great warriors will think you have stopped fighting out of fear.

And your value will go down in their eyes.

अवाच्यवादांश्च बहून् वदिष्यन्ति तवाहिताः।
निन्दन्तस्तव सामर्थ्यं ततो दुःखतरं नु किम्।।2.36।।

Your followers will speak many unspeakable words

What could be more painful than blaming your power?


So till now as we can see Arjuna is full confusion and don’t want fight his own friends and family and Shree Krishna is giving him the knowledge which is beyond birth and death. But Arjuna is still in very much confusion and unable to understand like us in problem.



Who is Sanjaya in Mahabharata?

Sanjaya was the advisor of king Dhritarashtra, he had a gift called divya Drishti.

What was ancient name of Mahabharata?

Jaya Sanhita

Who wrote Mahabharata?

Mahabharata was Write down by Lord Ganesha and narrated By Maharishi Ved Vyasa

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